Treatment is always tailored to the patient’s individual health needs and each patient will require an individual treatment plan and a unique approach.
What is Acupuncture
Acupuncture is an ancient strand of Chinese Medicine originating in China and surviving and evolving for more than 2000 years. Acupuncture involves identifying and resolving patterns of disharmony in the body to bring about good health and wellbeing to the patient. The Acupuncturist does this by following energy lines that flow along the body called meridians, when these meridians are flowing smoothly (like a river) the patient will feel well. When the energy in a channel becomes blocked, pain & illness can result. In order to resolve these disharmonies an Acupuncturist will insert very fine single use, sterilized needles into these channels. These needles allow the practitioner to dip into & manipulate the flow of energy along the meridians to encouraging smooth flow of Qi and blood in the body to unblock, clear and reenergize the patient.
Depending on the presentation and requirements of the patient, Moxabustion, Heat therapy, Cupping, Massage, Acupressure and Guasha may also be included in the treatment.This is one of the many reasons Acupuncture can be so effective. The treatment is always tailored to the patient’s individual health needs and each patient will require an individual treatment plan and a unique approach.
Acupuncture’s legitimacy as a safe & effective treatment choice has been shown in many studies over the last 50 years. The World Health organization now recognizes more than 200 conditions. Research has shown Acupuncture has the ability to promote the release of endorphins, neurotransmitters and neuromodulators such as opio-peptides. These chemicals can have a positive effect on pain reduction as well as showing some influence over hormonal and visceral regulation and immune modulation.
Acupuncture is incredibly useful in today’s modern age to help treat a variety of conditions including stress, tension, headaches, fertility issues, aches & pains, arthritis, autoimmune issues, pediatric conditions, illness prevention and maintaining good health and wellbeing.