

Acupuncture is an ancient strand of Chinese Medicine originating in China and surviving and evolving for more than 2000 years. Acupuncture involves identifying and resolving patterns of disharmony in the body to bring about good health and wellbeing to the patient.  The Acupuncturist does this by following energy lines that flow along the body called meridians, when these meridians are flowing smoothly (like a river) the patient will feel well. When the energy in a channel becomes blocked, pain & illness can result. In order to resolve these disharmonies an Acupuncturist will insert very fine single use, sterilized needles into these channels. These needles allow the practitioner to dip into & manipulate the flow of energy along the meridians to encouraging smooth flow of Qi and blood in the body to unblock, clear and reenergize the patient.

Amy has experience helping people with many conditions including the following:

General Wellbeing, Sporting Injuries, Muscle Spasms or Strains, Pre-op and Post -op recovery treatments, Digestive complaints, Respiratory conditions, Musculoskeletal conditions, Neurological conditions, Stress, Anxiety, Depression.

Fertility Acupuncture

Acupuncture has been used for more than a thousand years to help women conceive and experience successful pregnancies.

Acupuncture can be used as a standalone therapy or if needed combined safely with IVF. Acupuncture studies have repeatedly shown promising results such as improved egg and sperm quality, increased implantation rates and increase likelihood in successful pregnancies in many cases.

Amy’s success with Fertility Acupuncture comes firstly from preparing the body for a healthy pregnancy by creating a harmonious environment for a baby to be conceived and nurtured. This includes identifying and treating the possible contributors to infertility. Some of these include elevated stress levels, autoimmune & hormonal issues including polycystic ovaries, anovulation and amenorrhea, fibroids and endometriosis.   

Having over 16 years experience in this area Amy not only understands the practical approach for treatment but also understands the emotional support and stress management a patient requires for the brutal rollercoaster that infertility and IVF can often be for patients.  

If you are experiencing difficulty falling pregnant or would like further information please do not hesitate to contact Amy for further information.

Treatments are usually an hour

Paediatric Acupuncture

Paediatric Acupuncture is gentle, safe and quick. Treatments can take between 15-30 minutes for babies and 45 minutes to an hour for children 7 years and over.

Common conditions Acupuncture may address in children include colds & flus, skin conditions, anxiety, sleep & digestive issues.

Teenagers can also benefit from Acupuncture, whether it’s to treat anxiety levels, stress relating to exams & the HSC, glandular fever, chronic fatigue, hormonal & skin issues as well as sports & growth related injuries. 

Amy’s love of treating children developed from her extensive work with fertility patients over the years & her continued care not only for mother’s but their newborns & growing children. Young patients know when having treatment with Amy they are in a safe place that they can relax and speak freely. Feeling listened to and cared for. 

Facial Rejuventation

Cosmetic Acupuncture has been used by Chinese Royalty for hundreds of years and also more recently by the rich and famous in Hollywood and beyond. Facial Rejuvenation has been shown to help promote healthy skin and reduce the signs of ageing and promote a youthful complexion.

The technique requires the insertion of very small & fine needles into the face to promote the production of new collagen and blood flow to the face that external creams and lotions can’t achieve. It can soften deep wrinkles & often erase fine lines & fluid retention. 

There are several techniques incorporated with Cosmetic Acupuncture including Facial Massage, Acupressure, Crystal Therapy, Herbal Applications and Facial Cupping. Facial cupping is one of Amy’s (and her client’s) favourite techniques included during a facial rejuvenation session. Its stimulating effect increases the production and circulation of collagen under the surface of the skin leading to a dewy and radiant complexion. Cupping also helps to tone the skin and muscles along the jawline, it can reduce eye puffiness, sinus congestion and fluid retention held in the face.

This technique has come direct from the US and is exclusive to Amy’s clinic on the northern beaches. Amy also has a many years experience in performing cosmetic treatments having completed her Facial Rejuvenation certification in 2005.

Treatment takes approximately 90 minutes.

Shamanic Healing

Shamanic Medicine has evolved over thousands of years throughout many diverse cultures. Regardless of its origins the purpose of this medicine is to address healing on the level of the soul and to reconnect us to who we really are. It can help us to reclaim a part of ourselves we may have lost, identify a trauma we may wish to release or even reveal a piece of ourselves yet to be discovered, an untapped part of our soul yearning for connection.

Amy uses a variety of sound techniques in her Shamanic healings including voice, drumming and rattling. These instruments have been shown to encourage alpha wave production that both modulates and calms the brain assisting us to shape happier and healthier thought processes in the neo cortex; the brain of possibility. These techniques are combined with herbs, oils, visualization, meditation and ceremony tailored specific to each client.

Amy loves to help clients to bring ceremony and ritual back into their lives. We have lived in ceremony for thousands of years but more recently as a people we have become somewhat disconnected and soul sickness is appearing more frequently. When important life-changing moments including the great or even more commonly the traumatic events go unacknowledged we can become discouraged, lost, haunted or disconnected and sick.

Shamanic ceremony helps our limbic brain identify clearly and acknowledge the end of something and the dreaming in of a connection to something new and amazing. It is a pathway to honouring the evolution of our lives, not only what has passed but what is to come. Native American Shamans refer to this as walking the path of beauty.

All sessions are one on one with Amy in a safe and relaxed environment. Healings take approximately two hours.